Assessment of Groundwater Quality Using WQI Method Around Vellalore Municipal Solidwaste Disposal Site in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Author(s): R. Prem Sudha, R. N. Uma, K. Murali and MeiarajGroundwater is an essential and vital component of our life support system. The deterioration of groundwater quality due to geogenic and anthropogenic activities has drawn great attention as it is the major alternate source of domestic and drinking water supply. In developing countries like India, the rapid urbanization affect the availability and quality of the groundwater, due to its overexploitation and improper waste disposal1. WQI is defined as a rating reflecting the composite influence of different water quality parameters. Water quality index (WQI) is calculated from the point of view of the suitability of groundwater for human consumption. The objective of the present work is to discuss the suitability of groundwater for human consumption based on computed water quality index values. Eighteen groundwater samples were collected around Vellalore municipal solid waste dumpyard from 2010-2013 analysed for important physico-chemical characteristics by adopting APHA standard methods from the data obtained the water quality index (WQI) was calculated adopting the method developed by (Tiwari and Mishra, Brown’s and Horton equation). From the study around Vellalore dumpyard that it indicates physico-chemical characteristic of ground water such as Total dissolved solids, calcium, magnesium, total hardness and chlorides were maximum than highest desirable limits were as potassium and fluoride were found within the permissible limit. It was observed that water quality index (WQI) of the present study area from 2010 to 2013 was within permissible limit, the overall view of the water quality index was fall as excellent WQI value.
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