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An integrated and fast analysis for formaldehyde residues in consumer goods by ultrasonic assisted extraction

Author(s): R.Ganeshjeevan, S.Suresh, C.Muralidharan, J.Ramya,A.B.Mandal

Determination of free or hydrolysable formaldehyde in consumer goods is an important safety issue and it is addressed by an Ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) method. The method studied is found to be an integrated method as extraction and derivatizationwith 2,4-diphenyl hydrazine (DNPH) all accomplished in one shot employing an aqueous detergent solution. The complete sample preparation for subsequent HPLC analysis was done in 4 min in comparison to the official IULTCS protocol taking 120min. The various influencing factors in UAE of formaldehyde from consumer goods like leather and textiles were studied and reported. Formaldehyde estimation was achieved in various consumer goods with good reproducibility. LOD of 0.3mg kg -1 and LOQof 3mg kg-1 were reported.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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