Aflatoxin contamination of medicine plant powders sold in Sokoto metropolis
Author(s): S.A.Kabir, R.M.Aliyu, S.A.Shinkafi, U.-K.Muh�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?d, A.D.IbrahimThis Study was conducted to determine the mycotoxigenic and aflatoxin contamination of traditionalmedicinal plants powder in Sokotometropolis. Total aflatoxin was determined using AgraQuant Total Aflatoxin kit and the mycotoxigenic flora was determined using standard methods. The fungal species identified were Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Rhizopus oryzae.Analysis of total aflatoxin concentration in the medicinal plants powder in Sokoto revealed that all the samples were contaminated with aflatoxin with the highest concentration being 187 ppb and the least was 14.5 ppb. Results from this study revealed that traditional powdered medicine are the study area are contaminated with fugal species which exposes consumers to the probable toxic metabolites produced by these fungi.
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