A Warm Welcome to Participate As Editor for Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal
Author(s): Evelyn MillerRight off the bat we might want to stretch out our warm appreciation to the Editors of this Open Access Journal. Actual Chemistry: An Indian Journal has coordinated effort with in excess of 50 famous Editors and is effectively distributing quality articles in the field of compound science. We are utilizing an Editorial Tracking System for quality in peer-review measure which is an online composition accommodation, survey and global positioning frameworks. Survey preparing is performed by the article board individuals from the Journal or outside specialists; in any event two autonomous commentators endorsement followed by proofreader endorsement is needed for acknowledgment of any citable composition. Creators may submit compositions and keep tabs on their development through the framework, ideally to distribution. As everybody of you would know about the way that Editorial Board Members are critical in urging the Editors' hankering to keep up selective assumptions for adroit significance in the work we disseminate, we are incredibly thankful for the invaluable work of our board people in contributing both to our exhaustive friend review system and to the fundamental headway of the Journal.
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