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A Study On Preparation And Application Of Ag/TiO2 Complex Photocatalyst

Author(s): Kuo-Shien Huang, Shyue-Pyng Wang, Shyh-Jer Lin and Wei-Tsang Lian

Based on a complex photocatalyst prepared by silver nitrate and butyl titanate under different pH values, this paper aims to explore the concentration and pH of silver nitrate and its influence upon the property of complex photocatalyst. Also, it intends to study the possible applications on dye decolouration and wastewater processing. The experimental results show that, photocatalysts prepared from acid sols present a filament- like appearance, and those prepared from alkali sols present blocklike particles. In the case of increasing concentration of silver nitrate, specific surface area and pore volume of complex photocatalyst are becoming bigger, but pore size becoming smaller. In the case of extremely high concentration of AgNO3, mean particle size of TiO2 increases conversely. When pH reaches 10, complex photocatalyst has a smaller specific surface area, pore volume and pore size. Photocatalyst prepared by acid sols has a longer wavelength of reaction and a good catalysis. In this test, catalysis of photocatalyst is improved with the growing concentration of silver nitrate. ï›™ 2006 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA

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Citations : 468

Materials Science: An Indian Journal received 468 citations as per Google Scholar report

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