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A simple and green analytical method for determination of some angiotensin receptor antagonists by binary complex formation

Author(s): Khalid Abdelsalam Attia, Mohammed Wafaa Nassar, Hamed Hamed AbuSeada, Adel M.Ahmed

A Simple, rapid and sensitive analytical method was developed for the determination of eprosartanmesylate (EPS), irbesartan (IRS) and olmesartan medoxomil (OLS) in pure forms, pharmaceutical tablets, urine, and blood plasma samples. The method is based on formation of an ion association complex between studied drugs and eosin-Y (EY) dye in aqueous buffered medium. Under the optimum conditions, the binary complexes showed absorption maxima at 547 nm. Standard calibration curves were linear in the range of 2-10, 2-8 and 2-12 ìg/ml and detection limits of 0.148, 0.082 and 0.181 ìg/ml for the three drugs respectively. The correlation coefficients were not less than 0.9999. The reaction mechanism was studied by using density functional theory method. The proposed green analytical method has the advantage of being applicable for the determination of the three drugs without prior extraction. It is recommended for quality control and routine analysis where time, cost effectiveness and high specificity of analytical techniques are of great importance.

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Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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