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A facile synthesis, characterization of cinnamaldehyde thiosemicabazone and determination of micro amount of copper (II) in different environmental and vital samples by spectrophotometry in presence of Micellar medium.

Author(s): D.Gopala Krishna, Ch.Kethani Devi

A rapid, simple, sensitive and selective Spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of Copper (II) using Cinnamaldehyde semithiocarbazone (CMTSC). Copper (II) forms a light yellow coluored water-soluble complex with CMTSC in presence of Triton-X (100) (5%) (Micellar medium) and the complex showsmaximumabsorbance while the reagent blank shows negligible absorbance at lmax 400 nm and at pH 9.0. BeerÂ’s law was obeyed in the range 0.095-0.953 mg/mL and the optimum concentration range fromringbomplot was 0.190-0.857 mg/mL of Copper (II). The molar absorptivity and SandellÂ’s sensitivity for the coloured solution are found to be 4.10x104 Lmol-1cm-1 and 0.0015-µ respectively. The interference effect of various diverse ions has been studied. The complex shows 1:1 [Cu (II): CMTSC] stoichiometry with stability constant 5.0x106. The standard deviation of themethod in the determination of 0.381- µg ml-1 ofCopper (II) was 0.001. First and second order derivative Spectrophotometric methods are developed at lmax 420 nm and 440 nm respectively for the determination of Copper (II), which was more sensitive than the zero order method. The developed method has been used for the determination of Copper (II) in different Environmental and Vital samples like Beer,Wine, Grains, Nuts, Sheep liver, Buffalo milk and Industrial fly ash, Species,Alloy, Biological and Plant samples. 2013 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA.

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Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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