A Case Study and Perspectives of Human Wisdom on Eco-Friendly Food Packaging Materials in India
Author(s): Sahu CK, Dave U, Sukrutha S, Bayineni K and Kadeppagari RKPollution is a global problem and nowadays worldwide revolution is going on to minimize the pollutions level. In India, 43% pollution is happening due to use of non-biodegradable plastic packaging materials. In our throw-away way of life, the use of plastic has become so indispensable that we have dented the environment inadequately. Hence, there is a soaring necessitate of producing materials that can be recycled, biodegradable packaging is one of the new-fangled trends for green living. But, the depressing part is that public is not aware of using eco-friendly packaging materials. In our studies, we have done a survey on people of India to identify the awareness of usage of biodegradable packaging materials. In this case study, we found that the people with high education gave importance to eco-friendly biodegradable packaging materials as they care for the environment but, at the same time they solicit for its strength and cheap availability. Therefore, the government needs to acquire tough assessment to reduce the uses of non- biodegradable plastic packaging materials and make it cheaply available. It is anticipated that use of biodegradable materials will add to sustainability and diminution in the environmental impact associated with disposal of non-biodegradable polymers.
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