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12th World Congress on Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – Nano Technology 2020

Author(s): Constantinos Sioutas

After gaining a very favourable outcome out of the past conference in the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology field, Lexis Conferences: CPD accredited - 12th World Congress on Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – Nano Technology 2020, takes all the pride in announcing the Upcoming Conference in the successful series of Nano Technology Conferences. Nano Technology 2020- The two-day gathering of world-renowned researchers, professors, experts and practitioners of Nano Engineering, Nanophotonics, Nanochemistry, Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine, Nanoelectronics, and other diversified fields is scheduled on July 27-28, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. The 12th World Congress on Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology – Nano Technology 2020 is going to happen on the 27th and 28th July, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. Nano Technology 2020 desires at integrating all the renowned Specialists, Researchers and Doctors, Medical professionals, Fellowship holders, Residents, Pharmaceutical industries, Material Science Industries and Healthcare industries in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The objective of this conference is to gather like-minded coteries to facilitate the flow of ideas, thoughts, suggestions and motivations

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